Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13, 2015 - And then sometimes you muck things up...

..... so this week was interesting. (: One of the best weeks, however. Looking back on it, I see the miracles and blessings that came from all the crazy days and exhausting evenings of work and planning. The subject of this email is referring to a moment this week where things did not go as planned. Many of you may have seen a video my mom may have posted. I've gotten several emails of people who have watched it, so It's probably on the blog or something. Thank you for your complements and all the kind words, that was so fun to sing with Elder Aiono. Glad you got all the pictures and videos. Well, back to the story, Sister L and I were asked to sing in Zone Conference this week. Teach Me To Walk In the Light. One of my all-time favorite hymns. It was so fun preparing for it and we were confident it would sound good............................and that is where we went wrong. We were so focused on sounding good that we forgot to focus on the people we are singing to, and what we wanted them to feel. It's usually what my earnest prayer is before I sing, that it will invite the spirit and touch someones heart. Well, we mucked up the song. It was actually one of the top 3 worst performances of anything I have ever done. We forgot the tune/harmony and were beat red by the end of the song. It was noticeably bad. We were so embarrassed. My sweet companion and I were humbled that day. I'll probably never be asked to sing again, but hey maybe that's a bonus. (; I learned from that experience so all is well. Needless to say, there will not be a video of that song (: hahaha

This week was one of those typical missionary ones where we talked with everyone we met and got a lot of rejection, and mostly people were uninterested. We've been finding the joy in the journey and we still saw miracle after miracle happen. From kindness of strangers, to safety and protection while we were out of the flat, meeting people at the right time and place - good things happened all week and kept us going. 
On FRIDAY I was able to speak at the baptism of Noah and Jacob Breznanski who I taught in Baldivis Ward. (: 
It was a beautiful day getting to see old friends and watch those sweet boys be baptized. I am so thankful for that opportunity I had. In General Conference, we were taught to never get used to the Atonement, no matter how much we learn it, no matter how much we teach it, to never make it a casual thing. It is not a casual thing, and I am so thankful that the Atonement of Jesus Christ makes it possible for us to repent and be baptized so that we can receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. I used to be excited for baptisms, and especially family and friends, but now that I understand how important it is, every single baptism the members and missionaries mention is precious to me. I am thankful for that!

As a mission, we fasted on Sunday that the Lord will give us the Spirit and increased faith to find those who need the message of the gospel this upcoming week. Elder Eyering's talk on Fasting was a perfect way to prepare for it. On Friday we are all parking our cars and talking to everyone as we ride our bikes to and from appointments. We are excited for today and the rest of the week to meet so many new people. (: 

This week I was able to do exchanges with one of the sisters! Sister Tupuna. She is an amazing missionary and that exchange was her last one on the mission. She goes home next week!!! :( I was so blessed to be with her, and to feel her spirit as she taught and testified. It is amazing to hear the conversion stories of all the missionaries I serve with. It is a theme that everyone has had their own tests and trials and most importantly, their own confirmation from the spirit that has lead them to serve. She taught me about how to share a bold testimony by example and I feel like I am a better missionary because of that exchange. The spirit was with us as we talked to everyone. One girl we passed looked anxious. It was late and we were walking down the street near our flat. She told us she was fine and almost walked away but Sister T asked her a question and they started talking. We found out she was nervous because she had never been on this street before and felt unsafe, so we talked to her and made her feel comfortable as we told her all about the friendly people that lived there. We told her what we do as missionaries and she was shocked because she had just come from a friend's home where they were discussing their lack of belief and how it was starting to bother them, and she felt like we were an answer to the questions she has been having. She lives out of our area but was happy to give us her address and contact information for other missionaries to come teach her. I was so happy to have met her that night. (: It was a tender mercy. 

There is some amazing families in this ward. We've gotten close to a few, and are meeting new families every week. One family we visited gave us a giant costco box of noodles and eggs just because. Little did she know we were out of food and waiting for Monday to do the shopping. (: Tender mercy. 

We had the opportunity to watch conference. It was amazing to hear from our leaders and especially our prophet. I know he is called of God to lead and guide the people of this time on earth. His words radiate truth and light and I am thankfull for the council and opportunities all the talks gave us to improve and receive more blessings from our father in Heaven.

I love you, 
I miss you. 
Sorry this was so short and quick. 
Happy Birhtday PJ!!! And mom's is coming up too!!!

Sister Falter

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